One Month

My little bright-eyed babe is one month old today!

I decided tonight that I have got to prioritize my time better and use my spare time to cook and clean now that I am feeling more rested and adjusted to motherhood. I am also planning to start blogging recipes again! I made a yummy supper tonight that I am hoping to have time to blog about as soon as I find a second. I am also going to try and start doing yoga and working out again to get a bit more energy and increase my self esteem. I want to start taking better care of me.

Serafina is doing so well. She nurses pretty well all day and is growing into quite a chubby girl. Her hair is so funny, the way that it sticks strait up on top. I was telling Craig how she looks like Gobo off of Fraggle Rock and composed a side by side comparison in photoshop just for fun.

Life is great! Kids are great! More on life when I have the time. Baby calls…

9 thoughts on “One Month

  1. Awe she’s looking really healthy! glad do hear your feeling well and better organized with life! i’m at 35 weeks now and the weather cooled off. can’t wait to meet my little one!


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