
I am crazy in my kitchen when my mind is on recipes. I am a serious multi-tasker. When I start on a recipe I figure, why not make more recipes at once? While I am making a mess I figure, why not make one big mess instead of messing up at different times throughout the day? I really think that this is a great idea.

At the time.

Here is a glimpse of my kitchen the other day when I was making the cookie dough stuffed cupcakes.

I was also making blueberry breakfast squares and lasagna.

Food is everywhere, timers are going off, I am frantic, kids are either laughing, screaming or crying, dishes are piling up and I feel like I could sometimes lose my head.

This is every day in my kitchen. It is chaos, yet I love it!

Today, despite being sick I still managed to make pancakes for breakfast, soup for lunch, pumpkin bread and cookies! I have been so busy testing and perfecting each and every recipe of mine so everyone in our house is very well fed. I actually wish I could invite you all over to share some of these yummy creations and take some food home with you! I am running out of room in my freezer.

This morning I woke up feeling pretty awful. We are still not feeling one hundred percent better yet. Both my hubby and I woke up with headaches, stuffy noses and sore throats. Not so good when you are outnumbered by your children.

Luckily we know how to heal.

I did an hour of yoga and afterward my hubby had the fantastic idea of making juice! When he asked me if I could go for a juice, at first I was not very enthusiastic about it (as I have been more on a baking kick than a juicing/eating anything super healthy kick) but this was one of those moments where I knew that he was probably right. Plus, he was going to make it for me and clean up and everything! How could I say no?

The juice was perfect and packed full of good things.

Mine was a green juice which included:

  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Apple
  • Cucumber

His juice was a citrus/carrot cocktail which included:

  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Grapefruit
  • Orange

These really were healing.

After the juice I made a pot of Green Lentil and Brown Rice Soup.

I love soup to make a big pot of soup because there is always enough to have for the next day.

And of course my day wouldn’t be complete without a cookie or two… or three.

I decided to make Cinnamon Maple Flax Cookies this time.

Tonight as part of my healing regime I also plan to cuddle my little snuggle bugs.

Every evening the girls and I have been going out for a walk at about the same time the sun sets and the stars begin to come out. Autumn and I have been talking a lot about space and last night we looked it up on youtube. Tonight we are going to look at more space videos.

This one in particular is a lot of fun to look at full screen with the lights out.

Seeing this makes me feel so silly for every worrying about anything. Our problems are really so small in this whole vast and infinite universe. We are really so small in this vast and infinite universe.

Have a good night! 🙂

11 thoughts on “Healing

  1. Love the messy kitchen pics! 🙂 I wish I loved to bake and cook but its always felt more like a chore to me. I get very serious and concerned about the results too much. I do love your recipes. Speaking of… we’re going to your cookie dough cupcake recipe. Have you ever used coconut nectar as a sweetener? I noticed it at our local Henry’s market. Here’s a link about it http://coconutsecret.com/nectar2.html


    • Thanks Suzanne! I have never used or heard about coconut nectar. I use maple syrup because it is what is most available and affordable to me. I will try and check it out next time I go into the city grocery shopping. Hope that you like the cupcakes! 🙂


  2. HaHa… Your kitchen looks as crazy as mine… I’m a believer that a messy kitchen is a used and loved kitchen. How can someone truly embrace their cooking, if they are preoccupied with keeping their kitchen looking like Martha Stewart’s? But maybe that’s the aquarian in me speaking.
    Your soup looks delicious!


  3. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you.

    Seriously. I love you.

    My kitchen always looks like this when I’m cooking but sometimes I see other people’s kitchens and I’m like ‘how do you manage to think about putting that away when you’re stirring something or other??’

    Whenever my husband helps me cook, he follows behind me putting stuff away (before I’m finished) and dishes in the sink (before I’m done with them). It’s amusing. I drive him absolutely bonkers. I cannot leave the kitchen without it being a complete and total mess.

    And then, I want to give up on cooking entirely when I look at it.

    Totally sending this post to him. I knew I couldn’t be the only one with a messy kitchen when I cook!


  4. P.S. Whenever I look at space pictures, I feel the same way. Like my problems or messes are so small relative to the entire universe that I feel rather silly for even stressing.

    That doesn’t last long though. I’m a chronic stresser. 🙂


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