21 thoughts on “My Crazy Vegan Kids

  1. Great photos! Lovely to see young children munching on lettuce. πŸ™‚
    I love it when my kids pick leaves from our garden plants (parsley, mint, etc) and munch on them while playing in the backyard.


  2. They’re not crazy, they’ve been brought up in a great way.

    (I have to mention that I think they are getting older and bigger even in the very short time I’ve been a subscriber to your wonderful blog.)

    Good for you, good for them eating lettuce. I love it too but not usually as a snack! πŸ™‚


  3. Truly loving you for this!
    They look so healthy. None of those allergic looking puffy eyes that I see so many kids have…. (prolly from eating wheat/dairy.)


  4. What took me so long to find you guys? I have three vegan kids myself-all boys. I’ll have to show them your videos and pics of your kids eating lettuce (exactly the same as my crazy vegan kids!!). Check out my Veggie-Kids.com when you get a chance too!


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