What We’ve Been Up To

* I’m going ahead and posting this, but I have yet to renew my blog space upgrade, so I can’t post the pictures that I would like to share. I will hopefully be able to add them and post pictures in my posts in a few weeks.

Today I’m 16 weeks along with our little babe and just now getting an appetite back (sorta). Throughout this pregnancy every morning the family would wake up to the sound of me throwing up. (Yea… lovely, I know.) My nausea has been all day and night and was pretty debilitating from 5 to 10 and a half weeks. Instead of gaining weight during this first trimester, I’ve actually lost quite a bit.

I’d spend my life during those awful weeks of all day nausea and vomiting mostly in bed. At least from the comfort of my bed we got a lot of reading done and homeschooling corrections too. We have got a lot done considering I’ve been so sick.

On March 11th we had our first ultrasound and got to see our little babe! (I’ll have to add the picture in when I get my upgrade, but you can check it out on my Instagram page if you are curious.) I was actually measuring four days ahead, giving me a due date of September 9th instead of September 13th. I was happy to hear that I was further along then I thought and closer to seeing my baby, even if it’s just a few days. Baby was measuring 14 weeks, but the tech didn’t want to venture a guess at the gender this early, so we will wait to find out at the next ultrasound at 18-20 weeks.

Autumn is done her ancient mythology studies on India, Persia, Babylon, and Egypt for fifth grade of Waldorf homeschooling and we are nearly done ancient Greece now too. I really enjoyed the Babylon stories and she enjoyed Egypt best. They are all fascinating, but I think I’ve heard the Indian ones so often Babylon was something new and fun for me to learn about and teach. Greece is also amazingly fun! Soon we will begin blocks in Botany and math.

Kesa finished up learning her alphabet in a pictorial way, making each letter picture in an artistic way. We read through tales for each letter and worked on reading through stories and then she made her own written summaries and pictures from what I read. This was her beginning of making her own sentences, learning sentence structure, and developing an inner longing to want to read. It is much more special to learn reading from your own writing!

She is currently working on math and quality of numbers and then we are going to go ahead and learn all of the four processes with her math gnomes and some candy, since she loves candy and I am going to use this to help her to understand concepts and memorize her facts.

I also picked up a sewing kit for the girls (mostly Kesa) to do for handwork. She is making her own little treats and they are so cute! It’s also cute just to hear her say, “I’m going to go sew” and have her shut herself in her room to get creative.

Serafina is still her busy-body self. She loves baths and water so much we decided to get her a water table which is inside for now in the kitchen and kind of messy, but it keeps her away from the taps. She is also liking clothes a bit more, though she has days she still wants to be naked all day long. With autism you take any little successes you can. She is also more willing to hold our hands when we go out for a walk instead of running off, which is nice. She is making more changes as she grows up and time goes on.

Since I’ve been feeling better around week 10 and a half, I’ve also been playing games with the girls. One board game we love to play and have been playing every morning is Enchanted Forest.

Another thing I’ve been up to is filming Autumn’s Rainbow Loom video tutorials for her YouTube channel. If you haven’t already, please check it out and if you have a child who likes to do Rainbow Loom (or just want to show her some love), like or subscribe. I think she does an amazing job. She has so many things that she wants to get out there, but it depends mostly on when I feel well enough to film for her.

I am looking forward now to spring! It was looking a lot like spring out there until we got a huge load of snow last night. Hopefully it will melt soon!

Happy Easter weekend!<3

Love & Light,



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