Inspiration Time!

I have so much inspiration to share today! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

These days I am really feeling inspired by all of these, especially the one about striving for progress in my life and not perfection and small changes making a big difference. I often get down on myself for not being where I think that I should be and forget how far I have come and the fact that I am making progress towards my goals and creating the life that I want everyday. The journey is really what makes life so amazing anyways! All of the mistakes, learning and growing and discovering what I really want/need in life. And what I really want or need often turns out to not be what I was striving for in the first place. I am constantly amazed at how life teaches me these things.

Lately I am going through some big stuff and am feeling so happy and grateful for the life I am living and the opportunities that I have. There is always so much beauty in life!

Which is your favorite? What is speaking loudly to you today and why? I would love to hear from you! Feel free to connect in the comment section below!

Wishing you all a wonderful week! ๐Ÿ™‚