
I received a comment recently from someone that is close to me who mentioned that my blog tends to come off as boastful. This comment really saddened me. If you really knew me in real life, you would see that I am an extremely shy, sensitive person. I have also battled with low self-esteem a lot in my life (and still sometimes do).

When this person made this comment to me, it really made me feel bad. My intention when blogging is mostly to help myself see my life from a different perspective and to reflect upon it with gratitude. Life can seem so crazy (especially when you are raising a family) and it can be hard to stay positive and present in the whirlwind or mundane day to day tasks. I like to sit down at the computer and have a look at our picture folder and put together grateful posts to help me set my mind on all the good in my life and all the reasons I have to be happy. I also like to collect quotes and inspiring pictures to remind me to never give up and to keep on striving to see the light and give the world my best while I am here.

Another reason that I have a blog (and why I don’t just make my blog private) is to connect with people who share similar interests. Being vegan, being a stay at home mom and being someone who likes to think deeply about things all make me different than the norm. It is nice to “meet” people who I have something in common with and to connect with and inspire others who are on the same path in life. I also like to share my recipes because I know a lot of people have thanked me for posting family-friendly recipes or recipes that are familiar and use familiar ingredients.

I really feel that my blogging comes from my heart. My blog is my space where I reflect upon and share my life, whether that is expressed through thoughts, pictures, recipes, inspiring words and quotes or videos. I don’t write what I just think people want to hear and I don’t try to be somebody that I am not. I like to be honest and real and to also share my humanness, not just a picture-perfect reality. I feel there are enough blogs putting out an image of perfection or that claim to have the answers for everyone in life about everything.

I hope that those who have been reading my blog can sense my heart in it and do not feel judged by my posts or as though I am bragging or being boastful. I also hope that in sharing my life publicly as I do that it is benefiting somebody out there in a positive way. I know that it does help me to post, but now I have been worrying if it is doing more harm than good to have it public, that maybe it should just be my own private thing. The last thing I want is to make others feel badly.


26 thoughts on “Blogging

  1. I love reading you blog. I wait your posts because they makes me feel happy.
    Sometimes other people say things because they are the problem, not you. Other people make mistakes, so don´t feel bad.
    Big hug from Argentina!


  2. I really enjoy reading your blog and admire you as a young mother. I think it takes a lot of courage to make your blog public and is icredibly brave of you to share your life with complete strangers. I learned about your blog from a colleague who was teaching me how to make vegan dishes. I signed up for your newsletters and every now and then read your posts. I find it sad as well that your family member referred to it as boastful bc its not. The comment reminded me of my own personal experience as I try to be friendly with other individuals and I heard comments of ” she is conceited or too sweet.” It made me realize that ppl will always love to have something to say.


  3. Well … all I can say is that I love your blog and it has NEVER come across as boastful or anything but helpful and positive. You have a wonderful energy and, quite frankly, it makes me happy to visit this blog! I don’t know why anyone would feel a need to say anything which is less than uplifting … I hope your commenter had a good reason and a true heart for doing so. But if the comment is merely jealousy at the good place you’re in or guilt that they aren’t doing more to live a happy life, then they really need to examine themselves. If I sound a bit angry, well … I am. It’s difficult to keep a positive attitude in this world and it seems mean-spirited to try to rip down someone’s efforts. I can’t speak for everyone but … you do not make me feel bad … your lovely spirit comes through in your words. So I say … ignore that person … they don’t know what they’re talking about!!


  4. Aw, that is really sad you had someone say that to you. I, like you, am quite shy and don’t have the highest self esteem. I would feel like crawling into a hole for awhile after that comment. On the other hand, know that it is NOT your fault that this person felt that way, it is their problem. I know that sometimes when I am in a very very low point financially (we run our own businesses so income fluctuates) I sometimes feel envious when reading blogs where they obviously have no financial problems. BUT I KNOW that is my challenge, my problem, not the blog writers, I would never dare say anything to them about it. I simply stop reading for awhile if I have to and then come back a few weeks later. I know what you mean about blogging about thr good things. I tend to do the same. The things we want to remember. If you blogged about all your complaints your friend would probably say that your blog comes off as being complaining and whiny. Please don’t be put off by your friend’s comment. Ad don’t make it make you set your blog as private, I was very happy when I came across your blog!!


  5. A comment like that says more about the person making it than it does you. I sense this critic is green–with envy, not the lifestyle kind. Keep sharing the things you learn about. Your explorations and reports have taught me so much. And please–share the beauty and lushness of your life. The news is filled with doom and gloom. I smile seeing your happy family enjoying a simple, yet rich, life in the arms of each other. Don’t let a negative person bring you down, and make you rethink it when you know your heart is all about making life better for other people.


  6. You are a beautiful person, and I so enjoy the little peeks into your life. We do share a similar path and it is nice to know I have others to share it with.

    When I come to someone’s blog, I am coming into their space. I have been invited in to share in their life. I can choose to accept the invitation or not. No one is forcing me to be here and I can leave at any time. This is your space Tiffany, be real, be authentic and be who you are. It is why I come here. If others choose to see something different they can choose not to come to your space.

    Just my two cents 🙂

    Keep doing what you are doing. Hugs.


  7. Dear Tiffany, I just want to say that it makes me sad that you have been wrongly judged. Hope you don’t take it seriously. I must admit even though I portray a tough exterior I am sensitive and feel very low if someone says something about me that is not true. However I am trying to overcome this trait in me. It is very hard. I have realised over time that the the very reason that I am sensitive is because I think very deeply and I am always consciously trying the see how I impact everything by my presence. So the fact that you are even feeling bad about it is because you possess a clean and simple conscience. Don’t worry, just be yourself. Ramya xxx


  8. Do not take those comments personally! There are always people out there who have negative things to say, just ignore it and focus on the positive. You are doing wonderful work, and inspiring and motivating a lot of people. You have a GREAT blog, and looking forward to your cookbook which looks amazing!!


  9. Hopefully whoever feels the need to be so judgmental will someday grow to understand that comparing ourselves to others is futile and that not everyone must live their lives in the same way to live a spiritual, purposeful life and be a good person.


  10. What?! I enjoy reading this blog. Not only that, a blog or Facebook page ( however anyone is communicating via Internet) only shares what the messenger wants to reveal to the public. In no way shape or form has any post on a blog or any other public domain revealed every aspect of one persons life. We all go through struggles of all kinds. If someone chooses not to post all of the bad things, how does that make them boastful? They should be applauded for being able to realize that life isn’t about all the horrible things that happen day to day. Tiffany, you may have painted a picture on your blog about what your life may look like to any given person. That’s not boasting. DO NOT forget that this is exactly what you remember. We all want to reflect on the good in our lives and not even think about the bad. Don’t let one person ruin your day. Maybe this person just doesn’t like feeling good about themselves right now, don’t let that discourage you from doing what you do. No one person can be loved by all. But if you’ve already helped just one other person you’ve already done your job. Be proud of yourself. You’ve come so far! I wish I could stay at home.


  11. Dear Tiffany, I don’t think at all that you are being “boastful” at all; that person is just wrong! If you were you’d have all of these pictures of yourself showing off on your blog and I must say that I wish there were more photos of you. I can tell that you are shy. You should be proud of your blog and mothering. We all need strong role models like you and I’m sure the person who made the comment is jealous so I hope you’ll ignore her sourness and take your own inspirational advice and shine.


  12. Dear Tiffany,your blog is so wonderful and I really enjoy each and every moment of it.Though I don’t know you personally ,I have become your secret admirer after reading through your wonderful posts,your way of looking life your simplicity ,your honesty ,motivating words and your great recipes.They help me a lot when I am down and I feel that our feelings and ideas match in so many ways.There might
    be hurdles in your path but don’t let it stop you.I am happy to be here and would love to hear a lot from you.


  13. I think it’s lovely that you are sharing positivity with the world. I wish your blog had been around during my first vegan pregnancy (nearly 10 years ago!). It would have been a huge inspiration to me to see photos of beautifully healthy and active vegan children. That is something fabulous that your blog offers. In the face of criticisms from doctors, family members and friends, it is so important for vegan parents to be able to come to the sanctuary of your blog.
    I agree with Verging on Vegan, this comment says more about the person who uttered it, than it does about you. In fact, it’s all about them. Shake it off (hard sometimes, I know) and soak up the beautiful, positive comments coming your way.


  14. I am flabbergasted that people can make thoughtless comments like that. Honestly I don’t think any of your blog followers would agree that you are boastful at all. I absolutely love reading your blogs and they brighten up my day always. I thoroughly enjoy trying out your recipes and seeing all the crafts and activities you do with your kids. After reading your blogs I immediately test out the recipes or crafts on my kids. I write down the positive affirmations and post them up near my computer or kitchen fridge. You are a kind and compassionate person and a fantastic mother. Some people have no idea what they are talking about making silly comments like that. Keep on blogging Tiffany you are a creative, fantastic, fabulous blogger! Keep up the good work.


  15. I love your blog too! Never feel like you have to write to please anyone but yourself. I think writing is a great way to think deeply about life and sharing that with the world is brave.


  16. To echo all the other comments, your blog is fabulous! I’m a vegan newbie and your blog is an inspiration. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog and for sharing your life with everyone. Take care!


  17. I do not know who made the comment and I do not want to know because negative comments only come from negative jealous people who want to put you down. Keep up the great work Tiffany. There will always be someone out there with negative remarks only because of the way they feel themselves. Keep smiling and carry on with your excellent work.


  18. You’re the best and no words can change that. Keep on being you and to the person who said not nice things to you I say “Listen, if you don’t like it, don’t read it and keep your ugly comments to yourself. Oh, and go take your own inventory and see what it is that is behind your feeling, thinking and speaking.”

    Go Tiffany and girls, go, we love you. 🙂


  19. That’s a shame that this person thought of you as boastful – I see you as an educator and a person who goes through trials and successes in life and you share that in your blog – it makes you human – it makes you a part of us too – Sometimes people say things without realizing it and often times it is hurtful – we have to remember that sometimes those types of people still have insecurities that cause them to lash out at people they are close to – keep doing what your are doing – you love it and it shows in your writing! Stay Strong!


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