The Waiting Game

Here is my latest (and hopefully last) belly pic taken a few days ago at 39 weeks. Tomorrow is my due date so it should be anytime now that we get to meet our little angel.

Reflecting back on the pregnancy it seems to have gone by so fast! I remember taking that pregnancy test so skeptically back in December. It was just after Christmas and although I didn’t really feel myself, I never suspected that I could be pregnant. Craig was the one that knew right away All I knew was that I had a huge appetite. I would bake cookies for Christmas and eat them and have to bake more but that wasn’t too unusual for me. Then Christmas came and I did not want to eat anything sweet and soon after got an aversion to my favorite food in all the world, peanut butter.

The winter months seemed so long being cooped up inside and I was sick a lot of the time but I am glad that I got pregnant when I did because we have had such a beautiful Spring and Summer and have been able to spend so much time outside at the beach or walking.

Although I cannot wait to hold this little one and meet the one who has been elbowing me for so long, I am really not in too much of a hurry for this to be over.  I have learned from my previous pregnancies that I will in fact miss this. I always miss having the belly and the feeling of a little person kicking and growing inside of me. Even though there are so many things that seem so annoying and at times it feels like I have absolutely no control over my body or my emotions, pregnancy is still to me a beautiful and precious thing and something that women should be so grateful to be able to experience in their lifetime.

I love being a mother. To me, my children are such a blessing. I love learning from their innocent wisdom, how they always teach me and help me to grow into a better person and help me by having to make sacrifices for them daily. Even though it is challenging at times (a lot of times) I would never trade it for anything else in the world. I would do anything for them and only want to give them my best everyday.

So now it is a waiting game. Everything is ready to go. Bags are packed. The room is ready. I can’t wait to meet this little one and have the blessing of becoming  a mother once again.

Whenever you are ready, I will be waiting…