Dairy-Free, Fat-Free Vegan “Ice Cream”

I am addicted to the recipe that I am about to share. I eat this everyday, multiple times a day and have been doing so for the past few months.


This dairy-free, sugar-free, fruity, sweet treat is the way that I indulge my sweet tooth naturally. I like to call it heaven in a bowl. And it is completely guilt-free too! You can literally eat as much of this “ice cream” as you desire because it is made of only fruit.


Blueberry Banana “Ice Cream”

I always make sure that I am stocked up on bananas! I looooove bananas. They are my staple food.


Usually the stores don’t have edible bananas for sale. They sell green bananas, which are NOT ripe for eating, sweet or delicious. Green bananas or bananas that are unripe are one of my biggest pet peeves. Once bananas are spotty, they are sugary and delicious, perfect for eating and easily digested.



Yesterday we went to the store and I was so delighted to see the overripe bananas for 99 cents a bag. At the risk of looking crazy, I piled 7 bags of bananas into my cart along with 2 packages of sweet medjool dates and proceeded to the checkout. How could I not? That’s just $7.00 for about 20 pounds of bananas! I am always buying bananas, so I am sure that people think that either I have a pet monkey at home, or I am just a crazy banana lady. 🙂


When we got home we began peeling them and breaking them up into pieces to freeze for making delicious ice cream. We ended up with 5 containers full of frozen banana pieces! If you have never made ice cream from bananas, you must. I used to always make it from just bananas (which is creamy just like ice cream), but lately I like to add other frozen fruit, like mangoes, blueberries or raspberries to make a sorbet type of treat. My favorite combination is banana mango with chopped medjool dates in it! The girls love to eat it too! 🙂


How to Make Fat-Free Vegan “Ice Cream”

Here is how I make delicious “ice cream” in my food processor, ready in just 2-3 minutes! This makes one large serving or two to three smaller servings. I like to eat a big bowl for breakfast or for an evening snack.

  1. Place 2 bananas worth of frozen banana pieces into your food processor along with 1 1/2 to 2 cups of frozen mango, raspberries or blueberries. If you want it more creamy add more bananas or less of the other fruit. Or just make it 100% banana soft serve.
  2. Blend on high a few seconds, until crumbly. Add water or unsweetened almond milk (although that adds some fats), a little bit at a time, while the food processor is still running to make it your desired consistency. You may have to scrape the sides of your food processor to incorporate all of the fruit. If you are making just banana “ice cream” you can also choose to add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to make vanilla flavor or a few tablespoons of cocoa or carob powder to make chocolate flavor.
  3. Serve with sliced banana or chopped pitted medjool dates.



This is the ultimate sweet treat! And 100% healthy! 🙂






23 thoughts on “Dairy-Free, Fat-Free Vegan “Ice Cream”

  1. I prefer eating them at about a 5 or 6 (for some reason once they are spotty they make me nauseas), but I agree that for baking or ice cream they are best at 7. I tried organic bananas for the first time a few days ago and I think they actually taste better, they don’t have that aftertaste. But they seem to not turn spotty like the regular ones? Maybe it takes longer?


  2. I like both 6 and 7. Other stages of ripeness give me a stomach ache and make me bloated. I realized (after a bit of research) that this is because the starches in the banana haven’t converted to sugar yet and are hard to digest. I never want to eat unripe bananas again! Definitely 7 is best for banana bread and ice cream too, because they are so sweet. I find it hard to eat the number 7 by themselves too because they are soooo sugary. They are good in cereal or sliced into the ice cream though. I noticed that about organic bananas too! They take a while to ripen compared to regular bananas, but are definitely better! Have a good day! 🙂


  3. Wow! This looks amazing!!! What a great idea! I am so happy I found you blog, you are such an inspirationn as a great mom and vegan. Thanks for putting your recipes out there so new vegans like me can find delicious easy recipes!


  4. I am so impressed by your banana bargain! I would be over the moon if I had that many bananas in my freezer at once.
    I can’t keep our place stocked with bananas. We eat them so quickly! We are fortunate to have access to delicious, local bananas. I need 7 bags too!
    I love banana and cacao ice cream. I haven’t made it for a while. I’ve been inspired! Thanks.


  5. Pingback: 7 Vegan Organic Foods My Kids Love | Live. Learn. Love. Eat.

  6. Pingback: 15 Favorite Vegan Snacks And Sweet Treats | Live. Learn. Love. Eat.

  7. Pingback: Guest Post by Tiffany Pidruchny, inspiring mother, vegan cook, blogger shares 15 Favorite Vegan Snacks and Sweet Treats | Journey for Earth

  8. a bit decieving for anyone looking for ice cream.
    this idea is about grinding up bananas. frozen or not, it will taste like bananas and will have neither the taste nor texture of ice cream.
    What is presented is essentially a frozen banana puree, NOT ice cream nor anything like it.


    • Have you never heard of the recipe before? It’s a pretty common thing in the vegan/raw vegan world. If you’re not into it it’s fine. As you can see from other comments, lots of people like banana ice cream though. It also used to be something I really was into at the time of posting it, which was 3 years ago. It does not taste like pureed bananas, but can be any flavor you like and has the consistency of soft ice cream. ☺


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