Weekly Meal Plan and Food Preparation

I wanted to share a little peak into my meal plan for this week and some of the food prep that I am hoping to get more into the habit of doing. I hope that sharing this will inspire me to be more on top of things and maybe inspire you too.


On Sunday I decided to chop up a whole bunch of vegetables to have on-hand and ready to much on. We have been eating veggie wraps with hummus everyday for lunch for the past while and so everyday I am chopping up veggies and grating carrots. I decided that it would be much easier to just prepare a whole bunch at once and have them stored in containers in the fridge ready for when I need them. I used to be more on top of things like this, but I will admit, I have gotten rather lazy about food prep lately. I still seem to keep the baking stocked in the freezer, but the fresh stuff, I have been forgetting to have prepared.


The funny thing is (and I swear by this) that whenever you have fruit or veggies cut up, they will get eaten! It seems that I couldn’t cut up the vegetables fast enough! Serafina was right there eating up all the cucumbers (her favorite) and tasting the peppers, tomatoes and carrots. So of course, I had to take pictures of her munching away.


This little munching baby has inspired me to keep up the habit of having veggies cut up and ready to go at all times!


I know I am a day behind on this, since it is already Tuesday, but here is my rough meal plan for the week, as well as the food preparation that I plan on doing each day. I already made my Tomato Cabbage Vegetable Soup and Quick-Rise Whole Wheat Bread yesterday for lunch and so today’s dinner is taken care of.



Gotta love homemade bread! 🙂


Breakfast – Cereal and unsweetened almond milk with banana. Wheat puffs, panda puffs or rice crispies.

Lunch – Ezekiel wraps with fresh veggies and hummus.

Snack Options – apples, unsweetened applesauce, fruitsource bars, whole wheat crackers, nuts, almond carob chip cookies, trail mix cookies or banana bread. The girls like to snack on a variety of things, these are usually the options.

Dinner – Tomato Cabbage Vegetable Soup and Quick-Rise Whole Wheat Bread

Snack – Oatmeal and apples with nuts, syrup and milk


Breakfast – Cereal with almond milk and banana.

Lunch – Ezekiel wraps with fresh veggies and hummus.

Snack Options- apples, unsweetened applesauce, fruitsource bars, nuts, whole wheat crackers, almond carob chip cookies or trail mix cookies.

Dinner – Leftover soup and bread

Snack – Bread and jam, with fruit or applesauce

*Food prep to be done – make muffins, either carrot walnut or raisin bran, likely both.


Breakfast – Muffins and almond milk with fruit

Lunch – Leftover soup and bread and/or Ezekiel wraps with fresh veggies and hummus

Snack Options- apples, unsweetened applesauce, fruitsource bars, nuts, whole wheat crackers, almond carob chip cookies or trail mix cookies.

Dinner – Lemon-Glazed Asparagus and Tofu Stir-Fry

Snack – Cereal and almond milk with banana.


Breakfast – Muffins and almond milk with fruit

Lunch – Hearty Tomato Basil Quinoa and Red Lentil Soup with Spelt, Flax and Oat Quick Bread

Snack Options- apples, unsweetened applesauce, fruitsource bars, nuts, whole wheat crackers, almond carob chip cookies or trail mix cookies.

Dinner – Fluffy Whole Wheat Pancakes with Cinnamon Maple Syrup and thawed out strawberries

Snack – Fruit, oatmeal, cereal, muffins or whatever else the kids want to have.

* Food prep for the day – make soup and quick bread in the a.m. Bake more cookies in the afternoon.


Breakfast – Cereal, oatmeal or muffins with fruit.

Lunch – Leftover soup and bread

Snack Options- apples, unsweetened applesauce, fruitsource bars, nuts, whole wheat crackers, almond carob chip cookies or trail mix cookies.

Dinner – Cheesy Zucchini Brown Rice and Chickpea Casserole

Snack – Cereal, oatmeal or muffins with fruit.

* Food prep for the day – make casserole for dinner


Breakfast – Cereal or oatmeal with fruit

Lunch – Ezekiel wraps with fresh veggies and hummus/leftover soup

Snack Options- apples, unsweetened applesauce, fruitsource bars, nuts, whole wheat crackers, almond carob chip cookies or trail mix cookies.

Dinner – Leftover casserole

Snack – Quick-Rise Whole Wheat Cinnamon Buns

* Food prep for the day – make cinnamon buns with the girls in the afternoon


Breakfast – Quick-Rise Whole Wheat Cinnamon Buns

Lunch – Zucchini and Sun-Dried Tomato Bow Tie Pasta with Vegan Parmesan Cheese

Snack Options- apples, unsweetened applesauce, fruitsource bars, nuts, whole wheat crackers, almond carob chip cookies or trail mix cookies.

Dinner – Split Pea and Brown Rice Soup with whole wheat bread or buns

Snack – Cereal or oatmeal with fruit.

* Food prep for the day – Make pasta lunch. Make pea soup in the afternoon.

So that is my rough meal plan. I know that those are the meals that I am planning on making this week. The only thing that might change about the meal plan is the days that we have certain meals. I might be inspired to switch them up, depending on what we want that day. I am planning on making a few different soups, bread, baking more cookies, baking muffins and cinnamon buns too. I have been wanting to make the cinnamon buns for a few days now, but we are out of yeast. I have to pick some up today. The girls love cinnamon buns and they make a yummy and easy breakfast too! 🙂

Let me know if this has helped you at all or if you have any questions or anything to share, please do below!

Have a lovely day!


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6 thoughts on “Weekly Meal Plan and Food Preparation

  1. I have a love hate relationship with meal planning. Sometimes it is awesome and works out for the week, other weeks I just don’t want what I put down on the plan 🙂

    Your plan looks great! We had hummus veggie wraps for lunch today too!


    • I know what you mean. It took quite a while to type this out today! I think I like better just planning it in my head, like I normally do. Just wanted to try typing it out. Maybe it will be helpful to others looking to see how a vegan meal plan looks for a family. Love veggie wraps and hummus (in case you couldn’t tell ;))


  2. Hi Tiff, recently stumbled upon your blog and have spent every spare moment since, reading it and checking out all your awesome recipes. I absolutley love them all, and have been baking like mad the last few weeks, and found my self a great new hobby!! I always do weekly meal plans, and this week, its all with your recipes, it was so nice to bypass the meat section yesterday while grocery shopping, alot cheaper too!! So thankyou so much for the recipes you share, the inspiration, and the beautiful spirit that beams out from all your writting.
    I was wondering where do you buy your maple syrup as you must go through alot, i live in australia and a small 250ml bottle is so expensive, $10-$15. (i have been using brown rice syrup instead which is 3.60 for 500ml)


    • Thanks so much for your comment Cody! I am glad to hear that you enjoy so many of the recipes that you find here. We are fortunate to live in Canada. The maple syrup that I get here is $12.69 for a 1 liter jug and that lasts me for about 5-8 recipes, depending on what I am baking. That is just available at our supermarket. I know that it is obviously much cheaper here than in other countries. If brown rice syrup is working for you, that is great too. Another option (although not considered vegan) is honey. I don’t know if that is any cheaper, but I know some of my friends who do a lot of baking for their families use honey as another healthy alternative to sugar. I am not totally against honey, even though I am vegan. I think honey is a very healthful food.


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