
Today is another gloomy, rainy day. And we’ve sure had a lot of them in the past two weeks!

Days like this make me want to just sleep the day away. Even Serafina seems more grumpy on gloomy, rainy days. Today she definitely woke up Ms. Grumpy-pants.

The day started kind of crappy for me too because tonight Craig and I were supposed to be getting respite for a few hours (which we haven’t had since October last year) and she had to cancel. I don’t often need breaks from my kids, but once or twice a year would be good!

We were going to go out for something to eat and take a relaxing walk, just the two of us. Because of the rain, I suppose the walk wouldn’t have happened anyway. So that was kind of a disappointment. Normally, I don’t mind spending my life on my kids, but it was something I was looking forward to because it was planned.

As I was doing my mountain of dishes this morning that I neglected last night, I decided that I’m not going to be down today. Even though I was starting to think negatively, I then started thinking of all that I have to be grateful for and all of the good things this family has been blessed with. Between the pregnancy hormones and the weather, I’ve been finding it more difficult to not have frequent moments of grumpiness.

I decided that since it is raining and we can’t go outside that I’d do a prenatal workout to stretch, get my blood flowing, and to just help me feel better. Autumn and Kesa joined right in and we had a lot of fun.

And now, as I sit and relax, feeling baby kicks with the window open, listening to the wind blowing through the trees, I’m ready to type out what I’m grateful for.

~ For the sound of falling rain.

~ For green grass and the beautiful, fragrant blossoms we get to behold on our walks.

~ For the smell of cinnamon and this granola recipe I’ve been totally enjoying.

~ For my mother and her support in my mothering journey.

~ For my children and how eager they’ve been to get schoolwork done every day.

~ For sweet Serafina’s giggles and cuddles.

~ For a husband who loves his woman’s growing, pregnant body.

~ For little helpers who always sweep, wipe up, fold laundry, and put away dishes.

~ For reading together and slowly making our way through all of the classics.

~ For the ability to see the good in any situation and decide what I want to focus my thoughts on.

Tonight we’ll spend together as a family. We’ll enjoy a nice meal together and read some more of our latest classic book, The Swiss Family Robinson. Today I will stay mindful of my blessings, even as the rain pours down on our home and we are inside it.

We are together, we are happy and we are healthy, in a home filled with love and laughter.

Life is beautiful. I am grateful! 🙂
