Baby #4 Gender Reveal & 22 Week Pregnancy Update!

I finally got my space upgrade for my blog today, which means I can upload pictures and videos again! It feels like it’s been a long time!

So, for a pregnancy update! Today I am 22 weeks and baby is doing well! This is actually my most active baby, kicking all day and night too. I’ve been feeling movement since around 15 weeks, but knew for sure by 17 weeks. Now, I swear this baby never sleeps, unless it’s when I do because I feel movement all the time. I’m also not really showing too, too much, since I lost 13 pounds in the beginning due to being so sick. I think this belly is more in front than my others.


I was really, really sick up until the halfway point so I’ve only just been feeling good the past two weeks. Even though it’s just let up, the sickness seems like a memory now.


My appetite is back and I’m cooking and baking again, getting recipes and work done for my second cookbook. I still have some finishing up to do on my end and then it’s off to the editor!

The weather has also been getting nicer and the leaves just started to come out the past two days! We are looking forward to summer and I’m just enjoying this more comfortable phase of pregnancy before it gets too hot and I possibly get too big.

Today was also my ultrasound day and the ultrasound tech said that we were expecting our first little boy!

gender reveal

It was a surprise to hear that because I’ve never carried a boy before. The girls have been wanting a brother though, so they are very happy.




My gender reveal idea for Autumn and Kesa was to give them each a ballon, one pink and one blue, one with a hole in it so it wouldn’t blow up, and one that would to reveal the gender. They were surprised too! You can watch the video below.

Now just to think up a boy name and get some boy clothes!

*If you have any boy name suggestions, please comment below or send me an email! We like more uncommon names, or names with great meanings, as you probably could tell. 🙂

Much Love,
