My Favorite Season


Spring is my favorite season and May and June are my favorite months of the year.

I love to see all of the trees get their buds and then blossom into leaves. I love the green grass, the lilacs, dandelions, and apple tree blossoms.


I love the smell after the rain and the gradual increase in our daylight hours.


Most of all, I love the new energy that spring brings. A feeling of productivity and awakening from winter’s long, dark, lazy days. Spring automatically gets me in the mood to get things done. It probably does have to do with getting that extra sun on my skin and of connecting with the new life the earth is bringing forth.





We planted our garden last weekend. In it we planted carrots, beans, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, kale, zucchini, pumpkin, and watermelon. We have never done watermelon or pumpkin before, so we’ll have to see if anything comes of it.


We are in no way professional gardeners and don’t spend a ton of time on our garden. We just sort of till the soil, plant some seeds, and hope that something grows. Mostly, the garden is just fun for the kids and connects them to nature.



While we were planting a rabbit came by to check on what we were up to.


Craig told him we were growing him a garden.


There are actually so many rabbits in our yard (and on our block) all of the time! It is so cute to watch them play together, chase each other, and hop around. They were white in winter and have now turned brown. It’s just another thing to appreciate about living here, watching the rabbits hop around the yard while we eat breakfast. Getting them to stay out of the garden will be another thing.

Serafina’s new bed came today and we put it together for her. Hopefully she likes it! 🙂



She never liked to sleep in her other bed and since living here she has always bunked in her closet. I thought that she might like this bed because it looks like a house and is fun and bright.

Other fun things going on these days…

yummy food,



a silly, selfie break from math,


… and big girl teeth!

