A Little Bit More About Me

Today I thought that I would share a little bit more about me, for your reading pleasure and for those who are interested in getting to know me a little better. 🙂

  1. I love cookies, muffins and quick breads. I can never only eat one cookie or muffin or one piece of banana bread. I love to bake and love fresh-baked bread. When I was a little girl, I had a best friend whose dad owned a bakery. Going there after school was heaven to me. We got to eat all the fresh-baked goodies!
  2. I have red hair and blue eyes. My hair used to be blonde like Kesa’s when I was little, but it slowly turned a deeper red, like Autumn’s when I was around 13.
  3. I love tomatoes! I love all fresh tomatoes, (especially grape tomatoes), tomato paste, diced tomatoes, pizza sauce, pasta sauce, tomato soup, although I am not a fan of ketchup. I find it too sugary. My whole family hates most forms of tomatoes, except ketchup.
  4. I eat at least one apple and one banana everyday. I buy a lot of bananas and our whole family eats a lot of apples too. Everyone eats at least one apple a day. When we shop, we have to buy pounds of them. One of Serafina’s first words was apple.
  5. I have a fear of fish. Fish freak me out. This is especially weird since I grew up on the lake and always went swimming, never ever thinking that I was swimming with disgusting fish! One day a fish swam up against my leg and ever since then I am afraid of that ever happening again. Fish gross me out completely. Not so much tiny aquarium fish, but definitely lake, sea and ocean fish do.
  6. I go out for a walk everyday for 30-60 minutes and have been doing so for the past 3 years. Usually we all go out together as a family. I think that it is a nice habit and a great way to spend time together.
  7. I am 24 years old, although I feel much older and I know that my soul is much older. It always has been. Most of the people that I can relate to or who are my friends are in their mid-thirties or older. My soul mate is 48. I don’t think that age matters at all or can really tell anything about the soul and spirit of the person (which is who I believe we all really are).
  8. When I was a little girl, I always wanted to live in a big house, have a big yard and have five daughters. Not sure if that will all come true, but so far it is pretty close.
  9. I used to be addicted to fast food and never ever thought that I would ever enjoy eating healthy food, let alone be vegan or try tofu! Anything is possible!
  10. I love to take pictures and do work with pictures in photoshop. I got a nice camera last year for my birthday, which I still haven’t learned to use. I still take picture on auto! One day I will learn how to use it. My dad is a professional photographer, though he never taught me anything really, I just gravitated towards it. I also like to take videos and capture moments in whatever way I can either through photograpy, videography, or writing/blogging.
  11. I don’t know how to sew or knit, though I wish I did. I would love to make my girls matching sun dresses or sweaters or to make a quilt!
  12. I love being outside and in nature as much as possible, soaking up the sun. I went for a walk everyday, (except one) this winter, even in -40 when the schools were closed. I just dress for the weather. People probably think that I am the crazy walking lady, but nothing can keep me from getting outside everyday. I have to see everyday that has been created.
  13. I have only worn make-up 3-4 times in the past three years. I used to always wear a lot of make-up, but then I decided that I wanted to go natural and to get content with my real face. I am learning to accept myself as beautiful just the way that as I was made and love the real me, inside and out.
  14. I would rather spend my weekend outside in nature, or reading spiritual material, or being outside in nature, reading spiritual material, than going shopping as seems to be the norm.
  15. I love meeting new people and connecting with others through my blog. I think it is amazing how even though we are so far apart, that we can connect on such intimate levels and help and encourage each other. It is always nice to make new friends!
  16. I am just a down to earth girl on a journey to discover who she is in this world and make the best of my time here, shining my light and helping the animals, others and our planet in whatever little ways I can. I believe in the power of one to make a difference in life and hope that my decision to try will help in whatever way it can, even if I never know it.

Feel free to comment or email anytime! It has been great getting to know so many of you! I would never have imagined I would have made so many connections and so many friends when I first began blogging. To me, that is what it is all about. 🙂


15 thoughts on “A Little Bit More About Me

  1. No make up here either for at least the last 5 years 🙂 I don’t even own any. Nature is my favourite place too. I am still taking photos on auto too, my goal this summer is to learn how to use my camera.

    You should pick up some knitting needles, it is so worth it. Your girls might like to learn too…it could be fun family thing to do. I have a sewing machine for crafty things but would really love to learn how to make some clothes…one day.

    Great getting to know you a little better.


    • Thanks Kim! Nature is so wonderful! It is funny that I wanted to get this fancy camera for my birthday last year and I am still shooting on auto. At least the megapixels are high and it takes great pics on auto. Still, I think it would be cool to know how to do more with it. I think I will try and learn to knit someday soon. All of your knitting posts inspire me too. 🙂


  2. Aww, great post. I enjoyed learning more about you and am amazed at how much you do! I wish I could not wear makeup but when I got off the pill, I suffered from the worst case of hormonal acne and still have flare ups and scars that I feel like I need to cover. I am sure it is worse in my mind but it is like a safety blanket for me. Still, I do try to wear minimal makeup which is usually just mineral concealer and powder…but one day.


  3. Thanks for sharing. I really like outdoors too. the past few days the weather where I live has been In the 80’s and 70’s and I loved it. To feel the warm sun on my skin after a long winter felt good, and also finally not having to wear a coat and scarf. Although today it is rainy. My daughter and I are really trying to be 100% vegan and trying to stay away from pizza and macaroni and cheese which is our favorite dairy food. I also like being by water. Anywhere by water, I love it, like the beach, lakes, it doesn’t matter, it’s just something about water. I think that a lot of times people over look the small things in life that mean so much like nature and animals.


    • Thanks for commenting! It is just staring to warm up this week. The sun is starting to melt the snow into puddles, which means wet boots, socks and pants and lots of laundry, but at least the girls are having fun outside playing, which is always so nice to see. I love being by water too! I grew up on the lake, so I am a water baby. Good for you for trying to go 100% vegan. Cheese and dairy is always the hardest thing to give up. 🙂


  4. I have just decided I am going to figure out how to sew. A friend let me borrow one of her machines and I made costumes for my boys to wear to a party. My hubby surprised me with a sewing machine the day after I had to euthanize one of our cats…he was trying to cheer me up a little bit. I haven’t taken it out of the box yet but I have so many things I want to figure out how to do.
    My boys will both be in high school next year and my home schooling adventure will be over. My older son will be driving soon, so they won’t need me as much.
    I have many allergies and sensitivities and I am trying to wean myself off the makeup. I have tremendous dark circles under my eyes and some days can look like I have a black eye…when I really don’t.
    Thanks for sharing about your life. That is so personal… I admire you for not holding back. I love that your hubby walks to work. Also, we have liked all the recipes we have tried from your cookbook. Our favorites are Taco Casserole, Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon Pancakes, Blueberry Banana Muffins, Creamy Chocolate Pudding, and all of the cookie recipes! I’m an old fashion girl so I own the printed book not the ebook, lol!
    The yoga pics are absolutely adorable, by the way!


    • Thanks for commenting Wendy! 🙂 Always nice to hear from you and good to get to know you a bit better too! I also have a sewing machine, which I got for a wedding gift, but it is still in the box too. One day I did take it out and kept it out for a while, hoping that would motivate me to actually learn to use it, but I learn best by someone showing me or watching videos about it. I am not into reading instructions or instructional books. My attention span for that kind of thing is too short. I don’t ever really get dark cirles or acne, but I sure do get many freckles in the summer, or anytime I get a lot of sun. They are coming back like crazy already, but I like them and so does Craig. Autumn is now getting some too. I made Taco Casserole the other night. It is Craig and Autumn’s favorite meal. I love it too. I also love all of the quick bread, muffin and cookies recipes. I especially love that they are made with such wholesome ingredients and that eating those cookies never makes me feel sick the way too much white sugar used too. We were on a pancake kick a while back, eating pancakes for dinner every night for a while. I love pancakes with thawed out frozen strawberries, they are so juicy and delicious! Thanks for your kind words! I am glad that you are enjoying your book! 🙂 Have a good weekend!


  5. This is lovely. I can relate so much to so many of these, particularly love of baked goods, long family walks, and having a camera you don’t know how to use. 🙂 Thanks for writing. As a new mom and vegan, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate getting to know you via your blog every day. Have a wonderful weekend!


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