Things I am LOVING!

1) Oatmeal and fresh fruit!

I have been eating this everyday. 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup blueberries, chopped strawberries, sliced banana and 1-2 tablespoons of hemp seeds. So yummy and satisfying!

2) Seeing this gorgeous long red hair blowing in the wind on our walks.

3 ) Dandelion Bracelets! Such a creative idea Autumn made up and they are free!

4 ) Garden Progress. So far we have planted onion, garlic, radishes, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, corn and potatoes. Beans, peas, tomatoes and a strawberry patch are still to come. 🙂

5) Dancing to Earth Wind and Fire Boogie Wonderland with Autumn and Kesa. It is quite a workout!

6) How much better my room looks with the mirror up and some plants.

7) Black Bean and Quinoa Burgers and Fried Potatoes!

8) Curious Little Babies

9) This video! This album! This man! Any time I feel down I just watch this video and get so happy! So awesome!! 🙂

10) LIFE! It is wonderfully beautiful! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Things I am LOVING!

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